aggregate fruit [ ăgrĭ-gĭt ]


aggregate fruit 的定义

    aggregate fruit 近义词

    aggregate fruit

    等同于 multiple fruit

    aggregate fruit 的近义词 3

    更多aggregate fruit例句

    1. The tasteless bread was transformed into a sweet cake that included ingredients, such as dried fruit and marzipan.
    2. Spanish oak, which has an open grain and high levels of tannin, gives you dried fruit, spice, and even chocolate flavors.
    3. You may just enjoy the rich, smooth fruit of their labor that little bit more.
    4. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down.
    5. It's a bright, drinkable IPA made with dry American hops giving the nose hints of mango and passion fruit.
    6. Fruit-trees are clearly too scarce, though Cherries in abundance were offered for sale as we passed.
    7. In the community her father was the wealthiest man, having made his fortune in the growing of potatoes and fruit.
    8. The natives of Guiana use a tube or pipe not unlike a cheroot, made from the rind of the fruit of a species of palm.
    9. Every detail of this canvas is perfect, because every detail is true, drawn straight from life, the fruit of minute observation.
    10. A part of the square is walled off and employed as a market for fish, fruit, vegetables, and poultry.